
Friday, 8 May 2015

Repair the Roof to Sell

When it comes to renovating a house to sell house fast Houston, Texas, most homeowners look at the inside and determine a fresh coat of paint will make a huge impact on the ability to sell the property. A homeowner may pick up some hanging plants at the local hardware store or plant flowers in select spots to catch the eye of a prospective buyer. But from the roadside, the roof is the first thing that a potential buyer notices.

A roof that is streaked with dark colors from weathering or missing shingles will draw a negative opinion from a prospective buyer. Why? Its common knowledge that a new roof costs 12 to 20K depending on the size of the house and the type of shingles used. Banks typically require 20% of the cost of the house as a down payment to secure a mortgage. The cost of a new roof is in that 20% ballpark for most homes. Which would you rather choose, a new roof or a lower mortgage payment?

A buyer will also look at the ceiling in the home for any noticeable water stains that may reveal leaks in the roof. The roof may have been patched but if water damage is still evident, it will detract a buyer from purchasing the home.

Every buyer should hire a licensed inspector to go through the home with a fine tooth comb for any potential problems that will be an issue after the purchase. If there is roof damage or water damage this will certainly be noted on the report given to the potential buyer. The cost to repair the damage will do one of 2 things. One, the buyer will offer much less than the asking price that you need to sell it in order to recoup the price of the needed repairs. Second, they will walk away from the sale all together.

If the cost of repairs is greater than you are prepared to invest or there is just no way possible you can afford to do any of the needed repairs then you may want to consider sell your home fast, Houston TX. There are home buying companies that will purchase the house in the as is condition allowing you to walk away right then and there from the burdens of repair. A steep mortgage payment that has you trapped, does not afford you any additional cash at the end of the month after all the bills are paid. You will never break the cycle. So, consider an offer to walk away and start anew.


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