
Monday, 22 September 2014

Scour Around for Genuine Cash Home Buyers

If you have turned to Google to help sell your home, you must have come across dozens of cash home buyers that are only too willing to buy your house immediately,  for cash. The deals look very attractive as they are more than eager to take your house off your hands in whatever condition it may be.

In fact, as soon as you approach a cash home buying company, they will immediately start hounding you with ‘attractive’ cash offers. In the hurry to sell a house fast in Dallas, Texas you can also be forgiven for giving in to the compelling pressure.

But later you may regret being bulldozed into accepting the deal because the cash offer was much lower than  your house’s actual market price. Some fly-by-night operators are also known to have hoodwinked homeowners into accepting a cash price that is 65-70% lower than what the house would have actually fetched when sold in the traditional manner on the real estate market.

This is not to say that all cash home buying companies are just conning gullible homeowners. As a sell house fast Dallas, Texas these factors should be overlooked at your own peril.

Making proper inquiries will lead you to professional cash home buyers such as  MoneyBug that have a systematic approach and never pressure homeowners to sell their property. They will also offer you a fair price that is much closer to the full market value, after factoring in a ‘liquidity discount’ for necessary repairs.

Then you can rest easy that you are not being taken,  and that the decision was yours!
home-seller, the onus is on you to conduct due research about both the actual market price of your property as well as the reputation of the cash home buyer. No matter how urgently you need to


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