
Thursday, 25 December 2014

The Headaches of Selling my House on My Own!

When I was initially planning to sell my house in Houston, Texas, the thought of selling my house on my own crossed my mind. This prospect seemed more and more attractive as I could avoid dealing with  real estate agents who pressure you,  as well as save the huge commissions that they charge for their services.

So, I put a for sale sign in the yard, posted it on several internet sites and also placed several house for sale by owner signs around the neighborhood.   But once I started scouring around for potential buyers, I quickly realized my efforts were fruitless. How should I get the word out that my house is for sale? Just erecting a ‘For Sale’ sign in my yard was not helping much. Even advertizing on the internet did not garner much of a response.

When people finally started popping up to have a look at my property, I felt burdened down by fixing appointments and personally showing each person around the house. Negotiation skills did not come easily to me and alas, I was not able to assess the buyers’ interests properly.

Finally, I realized that I  needed to sell house fast in Houston, TX and I turned to a cash home buyer called MoneyBug. To my utter surprise, the MoneyBug representative was willing to pay instant cash for my house even though it was in a state of disrepair. They closed the deal in a week and footed the closing costs too. What’s more, MoneyBug did not charge me a penny for the deal and I was actually able to save on the commission as well!


Hayden Farley said...

We were torn for a year as to whether we would try to sell on our own. We finally backed down and decided on an agent after a friend of ours was sued after selling his own home. Plus, we simply did not have the time to devote to managing the sale. Having options is a plus!

Hayden Farley @ Malibu Real Estate Agents

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