
Thursday, 25 December 2014

The Headaches of Selling my House on My Own!

When I was initially planning to sell my house in Houston, Texas, the thought of selling my house on my own crossed my mind. This prospect seemed more and more attractive as I could avoid dealing with  real estate agents who pressure you,  as well as save the huge commissions that they charge for their services.

So, I put a for sale sign in the yard, posted it on several internet sites and also placed several house for sale by owner signs around the neighborhood.   But once I started scouring around for potential buyers, I quickly realized my efforts were fruitless. How should I get the word out that my house is for sale? Just erecting a ‘For Sale’ sign in my yard was not helping much. Even advertizing on the internet did not garner much of a response.

When people finally started popping up to have a look at my property, I felt burdened down by fixing appointments and personally showing each person around the house. Negotiation skills did not come easily to me and alas, I was not able to assess the buyers’ interests properly.

Finally, I realized that I  needed to sell house fast in Houston, TX and I turned to a cash home buyer called MoneyBug. To my utter surprise, the MoneyBug representative was willing to pay instant cash for my house even though it was in a state of disrepair. They closed the deal in a week and footed the closing costs too. What’s more, MoneyBug did not charge me a penny for the deal and I was actually able to save on the commission as well!

Monday, 24 November 2014

What to Do when There are No Takers for a Property

I was always under the impression that getting rid of a property would be fairly simple.  So when I wanted to sell my Atlanta house fast, I just put it on the market and expected it to sell quickly.

But I soon discovered that finding a buyer was not that simple. Some potential buyers turned away due to the layout of the house while others were put off by the repairs required. Finding a eager buyer who could qualify for the loan needed was a daunting task.

I was lost as to what the best financial move for me would be. Nobody was willing to touch the house with all of the repair work needed.   Meanwhile, the maintenance costs and property taxes continued to drain my pocket. I obviously didn’t want to donate it or just give it away either.

Well, there are those properties that no one seems to want for one reason or another.  No matter how many avenues you try or social media sites you post your home on, there is a catch to the property that turns buyers away.   . The only feasible option in this case is to approach a professional cash home buyer. They will quickly take the house off your hands as they are more than willing to buy any house and in any condition.

I too approached MoneyBug – a reputed and trustworthy professional cash home buyer – to "sell house fast Atlanta", GA. This turned out to be the best bet for my situation,  as they closed the sale transaction quickly despite the house needing significant repairs. What’s more, they even paid cash immediately. I couldn’t have asked for anything better!

Monday, 27 October 2014

Inherited Part of a House and Don’t Know What to do with it!

My grandfather passed away recently and left the family home to my brother, two cousins and myself together. We were proud to be joint owners of our legacy as all of us cherished beautiful memories of our growing up days there. But it was not practicable for any of us to actually go and live in the Houston countryside as our work lives had us settled in Austin, Missouri, Santa Fe and Atlanta. Maintaining the place as a holiday home also did not appear feasible.

We scoured other options like renting out the place but it seemed fraught with problems about necessary renovations, maintenance and upkeep responsibilities, property taxes and so on.

So it was with a heavy heart that we finally decided that the only practical route was to sell house fast Houston, Texas. But our beloved home had actually fallen in quite a state of disrepair as granddad had not been fit enough to maintain it properly. The main door was rusty, the yard was overgrown, paint was peeling everywhere and the roof needed immediate overhaul. But unfortunately none of us can spare the time and expense to make it beautifully inhabitable again.

This was when we approached a professional cash home buyer called MoneyBug. My online request on the company website earned me a quick callback from a sales representative who assured me that they would buy the house as-is and I can sell house fast Houston, Texas in just a week.

As I lived nearby, I drove down with him to show the property and the representative gave me a cash offer after analyzing the house there and then. The sale was closed immediately and we could share the sale proceeds soon enough!

Monday, 22 September 2014

Scour Around for Genuine Cash Home Buyers

If you have turned to Google to help sell your home, you must have come across dozens of cash home buyers that are only too willing to buy your house immediately,  for cash. The deals look very attractive as they are more than eager to take your house off your hands in whatever condition it may be.

In fact, as soon as you approach a cash home buying company, they will immediately start hounding you with ‘attractive’ cash offers. In the hurry to sell a house fast in Dallas, Texas you can also be forgiven for giving in to the compelling pressure.

But later you may regret being bulldozed into accepting the deal because the cash offer was much lower than  your house’s actual market price. Some fly-by-night operators are also known to have hoodwinked homeowners into accepting a cash price that is 65-70% lower than what the house would have actually fetched when sold in the traditional manner on the real estate market.

This is not to say that all cash home buying companies are just conning gullible homeowners. As a sell house fast Dallas, Texas these factors should be overlooked at your own peril.

Making proper inquiries will lead you to professional cash home buyers such as  MoneyBug that have a systematic approach and never pressure homeowners to sell their property. They will also offer you a fair price that is much closer to the full market value, after factoring in a ‘liquidity discount’ for necessary repairs.

Then you can rest easy that you are not being taken,  and that the decision was yours!
home-seller, the onus is on you to conduct due research about both the actual market price of your property as well as the reputation of the cash home buyer. No matter how urgently you need to

Thursday, 28 August 2014

How I Sold My Home to MoneyBug

Facing a sudden job promotion and relocation, I had to hastily move cross-country from Dallas to upstate New York. I was in a hurry to wind up my life in Texas  and sell my house fast in  Dallas as I did not expect to bring my family back here again.

But every real estate broker that I approached presented me with a long-drawn out process of putting my house on the market and waiting for a lucrative offer to materialize. It was with some trepidation that I called the MoneyBug office thinking that even a cash home buyer will spin out a protracted process of assessments and paperwork.

So, I was more than surprised when a MoneyBug associate quickly called me to arrange a meeting at
my home so that he could  evaluate the property and also discuss the nitty-gritty’s with me. It had just been a few hours since I had provided my details on the phone!

He seemed happy with my house and came back on that  same evening with a cash offer. He was even able to provide proof of funds that assured me that I was not wasting my valuable time. This was a lot to swallow all at once  for me and even  though I wanted to sell house fast Dallas, I still asked for 2 days time to assess the offer.

Once I agreed to accept the reasonable cash offer, the sale was closed within that same week itsel! Quite unbelievable, isn’t it?

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Free Home Purchase Service at MoneyBug

I have been wanting to sell house fast Houston, Texas. But what puts me off is that I will have to pay out some commission to any real estate agent before they will even deem to have a look at my property. And as I wish to shop around a bit in the real estate market and find the best dealer who can sell house fast Houston, it means footing the initial commission bill for each and every agent that I approach for a quote!

Therefore, MoneyBug, a Texas cash home buyer, comes as a breath of fresh air in the market. Contrary to regular agents, MoneyBug does not charge you a single penny for its service – right from looking around your property to offering an estimate sale price to actually closing the sale.

Yet, the MoneyBug service is top notch and quick in every sense of the word. When I approached a MoneyBug representative, he immediately fixed an appointment to review my house and gave his experienced opinion of the options that are available to me. The advice and support helped me a lot in making my decision and yet, I was not charged anything as promised.

In fact, when I finally decided to go ahead and accept the cash offer, MoneyBug was the one footing the closing costs (excluding the taxes due of course) and other expenses on the deal.